, by Nobleleads Investments, 2 min reading time

A news is as new as when it gets to you even when it is in its anniversaries and never conclude so fast because there are two side to each tell. Without proper patience, you might not have the opportunity to weigh between the sides. Learn to never hate the player but the game, when it all slugs to a particular direction, you know there is a set-out aim. Its indeed up-to you to give that aim an avenue to succeed or not. Imbibe to the spirit of Energizer. "The never say die attitude". Experience it has always been all these while and termed to be the preferred teacher in most cases. Giving is said to be better than receiving, you might say: you just can not give what you do not have.
It is a weird saying "happiness is the best gift you can offer to yourself" you must first have it within. But when you are struggling to replace it with another all for the worth and values, materialism sets in ushering you to anti-clockwise cylindrical cone. Never get so poor in life that all you have is materialistic affluence.
Never judge a book by its cover because all that glitters is not real gold. Give what would not make you uncomfortable when you receive them.

 Your age does not define your maturity, your grades do not define your intelligence, and rumors do not define who you are. "keep your legs off the ground and your head towards heaven" Proverbs 15: 24(b) and the sky will be your limit they said but I said it will be your beginning.
Please don't get me wrong I will never promote carefreeness but how many times has the "so careful" hit the goal line.
The spiritual man would say "have Faith". Be Crazy about it in hard work.
If you have never been called ¨Crazy¨ before for what you said you can do, because you are believing in yourself or what you believe in. Believe me you have never had a vision.
Opinion is an entitlement of every soul but being reasonable and weighing between the lines is important to keeping limits.
Am not promising that it will be easy to accomplish dreams, but never let your momentary situation obscure your vision of the end point. Some say "life is like a dangling dise" whatever that means, if it helps to illuminate the narrow paths of this message then all hail to the source.
This is a little testimony from the inner realm and philosophy of life.

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