, door Nobleleads Investments, 5 min lezen
, door Nobleleads Investments, 5 min lezen
Hello Brothers and Sisters from the same and another mothers.
Hello Sis. It is quite awesome how we have acknowledged our role in this place of this temporary existence in so much peripheries (James 4: 14).
"Oh Eve, please hang-me not for these lamentable testimonies because I Adam also failed my duties".
Now We refer you as Sis. not really because nature gave us the same intertwining blood flows but because in the sight of reconning, we bear no records of this canal or biological syndromes chains of family, tribe, religion, race, mythology (culture) and not even gender.
You are the divinely orchestrated custodians and harnessing mechanism of the existence of seeds that emanates this circle called life. (Which is the power to bring forth life).
What is this broken society in our hands?
From the best of our knowledge, "Broken" just resounding from the negative plow. Is not functioning according to the prescribed pattern.
Eve history of the manual of life has it that "the serpent took advantage of your light perception of dominance delegated to you from God through Adam, still not reasonable enough for Adam to fall along.
"What a man can do, a woman can do even better" we bought that, but there has never words more truthful.
The part of leadership of an Eve in the positive realms is and has always been the accomplishment of the paramount goals.
You were given just seed and you brought forth life. How magical!
So much sign of strength it is to be assigned a part of subjection under the opposite gender whom the symbol of authority is placed on, despite inferiority in the comparable lasting strength of absolving adversity.
Ascribed as the dominant gender yet very active.
But how has the dominant gender now leads in the gangs of thieves and robbers. Switch of gender, Ritualism, Sorceries, name it on the list of negativity.
Remember the nature of feminism is to replenish in abundance and beautify in whatever state, nature of things she is found.
May the salt not loose it's taste, less it loose the chance of proper use.
How do we handle the replenishment of abundant negative omen befallen our global village?
If only she understands who she really is, what she is capable of and her place in the society.
Then she will know where she should be found and where not.
Permit a little divergent in this write-up:
In Africa, for those we were opportuned to be at the remote locations. The experience of yam farming is well known from the first day of tillage of ground (cultivation) till the day of harvest, a constant visit and works are done to take care of the crops leaves paths until harvest.
In the western world and in Africa too, at some point in the life of a juvenile, live stock pets are given as gifts from family or friends to make the call for the emotional side of that young fellow and also teach them to learn to take care.
In a nutshell, from the day of birth till maturity; you "train- up (guide) the child in the way of (Godly) discipline so that at maturity, they would not depart from that path" peradventure they find themselves in the mixture of the opposite characters, self knowledge of strong will still holds them apart. Never has there been comparism of "illumination" between the light and the darkness, except if the light is not light enough.
Bear in mind that when you decided to conceive (fertility) to bring forth a human life, it is your plot to make a deposit of life in the generation next while you are gone. The destiny of those lives are at some point in time hundred percent in your hands by divine and natural orchestration. Some involvements, naïve or reluctant even to your in-takes while they are still foetus (unborn) "might" end-up being a paved narrowed or crooked paths for the offsprings.
It is a decision of sacrifice not really pressured into (believe me we make mess of things when under pressure) or made because your mates are in that stage of life already..
Please prepare and protect the lives you have brought forth ready to take the mantle of procreation at the appropriate time as you were handed-over to.
Not neglecting that all fingers are not equal and destiny may have not played fair on some, that is misfortune might have taken a toll on the path of some. This is not a call or encouragement of fear nor aborting of unplanned positivity on fertility.
It could be unfair fate as a result of subjection to single parenthood at birth or in practice.
There is always a role of the male and that of the female in the upbringing of the child.
It is very vital to have very close presence of both in the life of the child.
When there is not, psychologists will bear us witness that it is part of the reasons for what we might refer as "broken lives" abnormalities in perceptions and characters, in some it might result to lack of emotions, some self insecurities and low self esteem.
Making good choice of partners and both bodies in sincere unanimous consideration to stick together for the lives they have brought forth or about to bring is a very necessary task.
But hey believe me, it is never too late nor an easy a decision to make. Impossibility is nothing, you can still make the switch and make it a remarkable one by the divine empowerment made available to you.
Make the decision today, be bold and strong in it.
Remember that you are blessed amongst your species and also blessed is the fruit of your womb.
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